The Secret History of the Color Red

Why do we love red? Why do we fear red? Why is red a universally dominant color? Read some explanations and see a slideshow of paintings by artists from around the globe who show us the power of red.

Small Changes Can Have a Big Impact

Let’s face it, sometimes a living space just needs refreshing. The key word there is “living”—a room that is the same year after year can begin to feel somewhat stale, and in need of some changes, of some revitalization. But refreshing the look of your home doesn’t always have to be a huge, or hugely … Continue reading “Small Changes Can Have a Big Impact”

A Good House Is Never Done

As the noted interior designer John Wheatman has written in his book A Good House Is Never Done, a living space can be “an ongoing outlet for creative expression.” His philosophy suggests that interior design is not a static proposition but one that can evolve as a home’s inhabitants evolve—that a home can be freshened from … Continue reading “A Good House Is Never Done”