Small Changes Can Have a Big Impact

Let’s face it, sometimes a living space just needs refreshing. The key word there is “living”—a room that is the same year after year can begin to feel somewhat stale, and in need of some changes, of some revitalization. But refreshing the look of your home doesn’t always have to be a huge, or hugely expensive, proposition—because sometimes even making small changes can have a big impact.

Such changes might include altering its overall color scheme, or even simply adding some accent colors. Or, perhaps the clever placement of a wall mirror can add the illusion of greater space to a small room. And a change in lighting, or in window coverings can often significantly improve the overall feeling of a space. With the help of an interior design consultant with a good eye, a home can be given an entirely new lease on life, even by making such small changes.

A Good House Is Never Done

As the noted interior designer John Wheatman has written in his book A Good House Is Never Done, a living space can be “an ongoing outlet for creative expression.” His philosophy suggests that interior design is not a static proposition but one that can evolve as a home’s inhabitants evolve—that a home can be freshened from time to time to reflect and stay in sync with the people who live in those spaces and the changes that may occur in their lives. Such changes may be as fundamental as the reality of kids moving out, or a change in a relationship, or simply a desire to use the spaces in different ways, whether for a creative pursuit or an in-home business enterprise. Rather than be daunted by this kind of approach, Wheatman encourages people to embrace it, to have fun with it, and simply to think of interior design as “an ongoing engagement with the fascinating business of daily life.”